Hi ,

Sir can you help me making the screener with the following condition

Net Profit Annual > Equity Share Capital Annual * 10 AND

Market Capitalization > 2000 AND

Half Yr Change % > 5 AND

Consolidated volume 3Month Highest > 1000000 AND

Equity Share Capital Annual < 100 AND

Qtr Change % > 1


By equity share capital do you mean ‘paid up capital’ or ‘paid up capital + reserves and surplus’?

Based on your reply, we will share the screen with you.

Thanks for being a valued member.

Best Regards,
Team sharpely

Hi ,

With regards to your mail , my requirement is paid up capital .



We have added a screen named ‘sharpely requested screen’ in your account. Kindly logout and login again. You will be able to see the screen. You can explore how we have created the screen and rename it.

Do let us know if you have any questions. Thanks for being a valued member.

Best Regards,
Team sharpely