All the scores are calculated daily. So what you see is the latest data calculated after EOD prices are available.
However, in back testing the treatment is a bit different as we have to optimize for storage to enhance back test speed. So in back testing, only 2 scores - Price Momentum and Value Score are “stored” on a daily basis while all other scores are stored on a monthly basis.
To give you an example, if you back test a screen which uses quality score and value score, and you have a rebalancing due on 9th April 2023, Value score used will be as of 8th April 2023 while quality score used will be as of 31st March 2023.
Note that since value and momentum are most impacted by price, it was a conscious call to store them daily so that back test always picks the latest data. On the other hand, other scores are not dependent on price (or if dependent, only indirectly), we have stored them at monthly frequency without compromising too much “information”.
Do also note that in paper trading, screen will always pick the latest scores based on latest price (see the first line in reply).