Please allow for
1. Transaction Cost Integration
Please allow reducing the portfolio value by the transaction cost with every rebalance. Aggregating the transaction cost over a period of 5+year makes it harder to interpret. It would be helpful to include a toggle to enable or disable this calculation. Additionally, if possible, introduce an option to adjust the portfolio by a yearly taxation factor(user selected 10-30% of aggregated profits reduced from current positions on 31’st march to account for taxation), which would better approximate real-world performance and benchmark against what mutual funds/index funds
2. Flexible Chart Scrolling
Allow scrolling over the performance chart dynamically, similar to broker platforms, instead of fixed windows like 1M, 6M, or 1Y. For instance, I might want to view 1-year performance starting from two years ago, which isn’t possible with the current fixed timeframes.
3. Performance Log & Trade Log Enhancements
Add a performance log in addition to the trade log, aggregating data by scrip to capture realized and unrealized losses in the backtest. If implementing this isn’t feasible, at least provide the ability to export the trade log as a CSV file. This would allow me to analyze and aggregate the data independently to identify winning trades and refine my strategy.